Makyah Darby 0

Save our bunnies. Make myxomatosis history!

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47 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Swollen eyes, high fever and tears of mucus this is how I remember my dear sweet bunnies as they took their last breath. Myxomatosis. No cure, no prevention, nothing. But what if this could all be changed by one simple shot? However the Australian government says 'no'. Our bunnies are suffering from this ban and it is not ok.

Myxomatosis the lethal disease that causes swelling of the face, ears, eyes, gentials and eyelids, been lethargic, a decrease in appetite, kidney failure, blood in the urine, fever, blindness and conjunctivitis of the eye (pink eye). Without euthanasia the bunny will die within 10-14 days of getting the disease.

Myxomatosis was first released in 1950 to reduce the amount of ferrel Rabbits. The virus initially reduced the population by 95% but resistance to it quickly increased. Unfortunately, domestic Rabbits don't have any resistance to it and and the death rates sit at 96-100%.

By signing this petition you can help raise awareness towards this lethal disease. You can also sign and create other petitions.

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