Save OLR

We have served the Dunning, Irving Park, Jefferson Park, Cragin, Elmwood Park & Avondale neighborhoods for over 50 years. The area is a working class community with a usual middle class neighborhood and a mix of Eastern Europeans and now a burgeoning Latino population. This institution is being threatened by downsizing and eventual closure and conversion to an outpatient facility. There are over 47,000 emergency room visits and approximately 9,000 hospitalizations a year. Nearly 3,600 patients undergo surgery in this hospital annually. There are no hospitals near Our Lady of the Resurrection to serve the area. All the proposals that have been put forth by Presence Health to downsize the hospital do not meet the needs of the community without putting lives at risk. You can help by mobilizing community support for this hospital and reaching our goal of over 10,000 signatures for a petition to keep the hospital open as a fully functioning medical center. Please get involved by forwarding this link to others and signing the petition.