Save Off-leash Recreation at Memorial Field
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Maxine K. signed
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Adam B. signed
just now
This petition is for Albany residents and businesses only
We, the undersigned, value being able to gather at Memorial Field to socialize and play with our dogs. Our activity helps build the strong community that exists in our small town. It adds to the quality of life for families, residents and dog owners. We support Albany's beautiful multi-use parks and uphold park rules and regulations.
The 2009 law that governs when dogs are not allowed at Memorial Field is outdated. It does not recognize that the field is now split into two sections. Section A is mostly used by sports groups and Section B is generally used by people with dogs. Both groups supported construction of the fence as a solution to long-standing conflicts. However, the no-dog law is now being enforced by the city as if the field was still one area.
We petition the Council to exclude Section B of Memorial Field from permit use so that all members of the general public, including people with dogs, may enjoy this area for its regular park hours.
We petition the Council to sunset provisions (1), (2) and (3) of Municipal Code 10-4.2 Resolution 09-45. We also wish the Council to clarify provision (4) so that the occasion dogs are not allowed in Memorial Field's Section A is when a user has acquired a permit through the City of Albany for the use of Section A or when Albany High School classes are using Section A.
We petition the Council to maintain the grass in Section B with the same level of care as in Section A, and to designate one gate along Thousand Oaks Boulevard to remain unlocked so the public can enter Section A without having to enter Section B.
We appeal to the City Council to respond directly to this petition and not delegate this matter to the Parks and Recreation advisory commission. We support the "Good Neighbor" policy and new signage per Albany city staff recommendations, Sept. 13, 2012, Parks & Recreation Commission agenda.
Albany DOG
Albany Dog Owners Group is a neighborhood-based group whose members gather in Albany's beautiful parks to socialize and to play with our dogs off leash.
We believe our activity builds community, enriches our quality of life and enhances the city of Albany's livability. We support Albany's beautiful multi-use parks and uphold responsible dog ownership.