Petition to Retain the Position of Senior Curriculum Materials Technician (Music Librarian)
March 12, 2012 the Sweetwater Union High School District Board of Trustees will vote on the elimination of the Music Librarian on the recommendation by administrators stating that this position does “not have a direct impact on the instruction at the school sites” and sites will “provide the majority of the resources…for their VAPA classes.” This is simply not true. The Music Librarian position IS needed and has a DIRECT IMPACT on students at every school site. The Music Librarian – • Maintains a 12,000 plus title library (worth over $800,000) • Sends out over $45,000 - $50,000 worth of music every year to school sites • Provides the “texts” (sheet music) for district music classes – which can cost a single site as much as $4,000 to $5,000 per year (Curriculum provides money for method books only.) • Ensures that music is returned for future use by other district students • Is knowledgeable and recommends specific pieces for specific sites and individual students • Maintains an up to date catalog of library holdings • Preserves our out-of-print pieces for further use • Works with sheet music vendors and publishers • Has specific knowledge about copyright laws that decreases district liability • Maintains a reference library of valuable texts for teachers Sheet music is NOT available online and cannot be scanned for use at school sites without violating copyright laws. The Music Librarian also manages a $70,000 transportation budget for trips provided to arts classes by VAPA (Visual and Performing Arts Department) . We, the undersigned, respectfully urge the Sweetwater Union High School District Board of Trustees to act now and vote not to eliminate the Music Librarian (Senior Curriculum Materials Technician) from the VAPA Department. This position is a vital position with a specific skill set deemed necessary to the everyday operation and functioning of the VAPA Department.