Save Montpelier Corps
Roxy Graham 0

Save Montpelier Corps

32 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Roxy Graham 0 Comments
32 people have signed. Add your voice!
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On Sunday, 26/04/2015, at a meeting chaired by Divisional Commander Major Mhlongo, Montpelier Corps was informed that they would be closed and sold. They would then merge with Durban Central as all members, available resources and funds would be transferred to Durban Central.
We very strongly object to the closure of Montpelier Corps.

Even though their Commanding Officers were taken from them at the end of last year, they are being lead successfully by their CSM Paul Kidgell and our CCS Susan Kidgell. They are truly children of God, being lead by the Spirit of God, and therefore doing an excellent job at keeping the Corp going.
Unfortunately Major Mhlongo, failed to give the members an opportunity to speak out after informing of the pending closure. It was only when Commissioner Roy Olckers stood up to comment on this, that they were given an opportunity to voice their opinions.

When the current premises that Montpelier resides on was bought 36 years ago, it was not bought through any funding from the Army. The people of Montpelier raised the money and bought the current premises so therefore the people of Montpelier should be included in the discussion and decision making related to the property.

Currently the following indispensable activities take place at Montpelier on a weekly and monthly basis.

· Monday to Sunday people who come to their gates looking for food are fed.
· Thursday morning – main soup kitchen
· Sunday Morning Meetings (weekly);
· Sunday School (weekly);
· Bible Study at Thembela Eventide Home (on a Tuesday);
· Home Lleague Fellowship (on a Thursday);
· Collection and distribution of Food Parcels from Woolworths (on a Thursday);
· Informal Traders meeting group (weekly on a Friday);
· A Prayer Breakfast (on the 1st Saturday of the month);
· A Men's Fellowship (on the 3rd Sunday of the month);
· A Ladies Fellowship (on the 3rd Sunday of the month);
· Cameo Club (Over 60s) (on the 2nd Thursday of the month);

· Community Care Group (volunteers who regularly assist in the Community)

Montpelier has been through a number of Officers, Local Officers, Senior Soldiers, Junior Soldiers and Adherents. All of them have fond memories of their time spent at Montpelier. What most remember of their time spent at Montpelier is that Gods love and Holy Spirit resides within the hearts of all its people. Every person that enters this Corps, is seen as a soul for Christ. God is their number one priority.

PLEASE GET THE INFORMATION OUT - Montpelier Corps needs your help.

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