Save The Bluebell Nursery and Miss Anne-Marie

We, the undersigned, are deeply disheartened by the news of losing Miss Anne-Marie and our beloved nursery school program. We would like to take this opportunity to open a wider conversation about the recent loss of faculty and the direction our school is taking without the input of the larger parent body.
At this time, we strongly request the board reconsider its decision to remove Miss Anne-Marie and the nursery program. We urge you, instead, to consider what a foundational entity the nursery program is to our youngest students and their families. By kindergarten, parenting styles are well-established. It will be quite the challenge for kindergarten teachers to undo years of TV watching, punishments, and the like. From birth to age three, new parents are often in need of tender guidance. Miss Anne Marie is their mentor to providing a firm foundation for the young child and goes so far as to call families at home to support them. These youngest children are the seeds of our school. Given a strong and loving start like the one Miss Anne-Marie provides, these children transition more easily into the grades and grow to eventually financially sustain the school as a whole by staying many years. Please. Do not uproot our school.
It is our fervent request that the board reinstate Miss Anne Marie and the Bluebell Nursery immediately.