Save the Missouri Fine Arts Academy

Please restore the line item in the budget to appropriate funds for the Missouri Fine Arts Academy in HB 2 regarding Elementary & Secondary Education.
This incredible program encourages the growth of critical thinking, communication, and innovation in young people. MFAA connects students from all over Missouri, fostering lasting statewide connections and travel that would not have occurred otherwise. For many students, their MFAA education is the reason they pursue college.
It is a life saving and career building opportunity that would not have been possible without state funds.
Furthermore, funding the arts will enrich Missouri with a workforce of creative problem-solvers and create an attractive cultural environment for businesses and tourists. Research demonstrates that art, music, theatre, and dance play a vital role in invigorating inner cities and rural areas alike, especially during times of economic struggles. Finally, artists bring life to Missouri, and thousands of MFAA graduates have made Missouri come alive with their artistic talents and creative thinking.