TheFluffyGamer bonsant 0

Save Lisa's Small Dog Rescue!

64 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
TheFluffyGamer bonsant 0 Comments
64 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

People have claimed Lisa's Small Dog Rescue of stealing a dog by the name "tui" But do they really have any proof? It says in their article that they saw an ad saying "Tui has been FOUND!!!!! Where was he you ask?? Well Lisa Sherwood stewart from Lisa small dog rescue had grabbed him and stuck him in hiding at her friend Amy's house! After talking with Lisa and her friends a couple of days and being told no they don't have tui and threatened with police. We gathered enough information with the help of Osullivan animal hospital to phone police and found him!
Don't believe me? Call Osullivan ask for information on her. As well as the police.
Btw guys SHE has NO license!
Poor tui is traumatized.
Beware of her!"

yet there is NO proof of this being a trueadvertisementas they could have just typed it and said it was an ad. All I am asking if that you like this petition to SAVE this dog rescue. There is no proof that they have done anything wrong and until proof is given we should not shut them down. SAVE LISAS SMALL DOG RESCUE!

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