Improve L&IH Courses:     Dr. Clementina Adams Should Not Teach Them
Bethany Donn 0

Improve L&IH Courses: Dr. Clementina Adams Should Not Teach Them

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Improve L&IH Courses:
Dr. Clementina Adams Should Not Teach Them 

Petition Created By: Bethany Donn

Target Goal: Restore credibility to the Language & International Health major by keeping Dr. Clementina Adams from teaching its core courses: SPAN 415, 418, 419.

   Anyone who is in the Language & International Health Major has surely heard the warnings about Dr. Clementina Adams's classes.  Her lack of organization, homemade textbooks, vague project guidelines, and surprise test material are all ways in which Dr. Adams is ruining these courses for students.  Worse yet, these courses are the ones which have driven many students, such as myself, to choose the L&IH major, only to be gravely disappointed.

   SPAN 415 (Spanish for Health Professionals), SPAN 418 (Technical Spanish for Health Management Professionals), and SPAN 419 (Health & the Hispanic Community) all have such vast potential.  The students could be developing medical interpretation skills, working hands-on in hospitals and community health centers, and learning specific strategies to target the Latino populations in the fields of Public Health Promotion & Education.  

   Instead, L&IH students dread Dr. Adams's classes and find any way to avoid them.  They are pressing advisors to substitute unrelated Spanish classes for her classes.  As result, Dr. Adams's class sizes are dwindling to fewer than 10 students/ class.  

  Past classes have complained and met with chairmen to express their disappointment and concerns about Dr. Clementina Adams, but nothing has changed.  Isn't it time they listen? Please sign this petition to be presented to the board that oversees the L&IH major.  Let's work for change and help develop the integrity that our courses deserve.

This petition has been created to receive support from Language & International Health students and alumni.  Its purpose is to build the best possible L&IH major, which includes its courses and professors.  If you have any feedback or concerns, I would love to hear your input. Just leave your thoughts in the "Comments" section on this site.  


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