Save the Lee Jackson Stained Glass Windows
John Payne 0

Save the Lee Jackson Stained Glass Windows

1150 signers. Add your name now!
John Payne 0 Comments
1150 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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The Lee and Jackson windows in the Washington National Cathedral are in grave danger of being removed. Please sign this petition at the bottom of the page, asking to leave these windows where they are. Consider the fact that the Lee and Jackson windows are a memorial to our confederate ancestors. It was deeply troubling to learn that the Dean of the Cathedral is attempting to remove them. Contrary to a statement made by Dean Hall, seeing these windows in their present location gives many of us a great feeling of reconciliation. They send a message that people with a confederate heritage are welcome in the National Cathedral and in Washington D.C. The windows also show respect and dignity to a defeated people. It sends a message that we are one country, and even our ancestors who rebelled against the union have a welcome place here, and by extension their descendants. The cathedral proudly gives a place of honor to Abraham Lincoln and those who have served in multiple wars through its many stained glass windows, needle points and, statues. Dean Hall has these words printed on the cathedrals webpage “It's time to remove stained glass windows that honor confederate history.” We believe however, that those who served on both sides of the American Civil War loved their country and should continue to be given a place of honor. While we support the preservation of these windows, we are opposed to the injustices of slavery, racism and discrimination.

The land that the cathedral sits on was set aside by George Washington for a national church. Then in 1893 Congress gave The Episcopal Church a charter to build a cathedral that “First, shall be a house of prayer for all people.” And so the cathedral came to be. Reverend Hall also described the cathedral as having a shared vision of America. How can the cathedral have a shared vision of America while not telling the side of the story as seen through the eyes of those in the Confederacy? How can the cathedral adhere to its charter as a house of prayer for ALL people while stripping the ancestors of those with a southern heritage of their pride and honor?

Please sign this petition, and ask your friends, family and, others that you may know to do so as well. Also would you please ask your local Episcopal priest to help in any way that they can.

Many thanks,

P.S. Please email the Cathedral at and politley let them know that you would like these windows to stay in place.

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