Save Lake George Management Area

WHEREAS, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (“USACOE”) holds approximately 8,383 acres of land in Yazoo County, Mississippi known as the Lake George Wildlife Management Area (“Lake George WMA”);
WHEREAS, citizens of Yazoo County, Mississippi regularly go to the Lake George WMA to enjoy hunting and other recreational activities, with the same providing a material benefit to the citizens of said County;
WHEREAS, individuals who reside outside of Yazoo County, Mississippi regularly go to the Lake George WMA to participate in hunting and other recreational activities, with the same providing a significant economic benefit to businesses located in said County;
WHEREAS, the USACOE currently contracts with the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks (“MDWFP”) to manage and maintain the Lake George WMA;
WHEREAS, the USACOE contends that due to a lack of funding, it will be unable to continue contracting with the MDWFP for the management and maintenance of the Lake George WMA;
WHEREAS, the MDWFP contends that without continued USACOE funding, it will be unable to manage and maintain the Lake George WMA; and
WHEREAS, it is the understanding of the Yazoo County Board of Supervisors that due to the aforesaid purported lack of funding, the USACOE intends to either terminate public access to the Lake George WMA, or transfer duties regarding the management and maintenance of the Lake George WMA to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (“USFW”), both of which are contrary to the best interests of Yazoo County.
BE IT, THEREFORE, RESOLVED the Yazoo County Board of Supervisors strongly and unanimously opposes both the USACOE’s proposed termination of public access to the Lake George WMA, and the USACOE’s proposed transfer of responsibility for the management and maintenance of the Lake George WMA to the USFW, as either would have a profound adverse impact on the citizens and business owners of Yazoo County;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if the MDWFP is financially unable to continue to manage and maintain the Lake George WMA upon the termination of USACOE funding for the same, Yazoo County, Mississippi is agreeable and offers to assume responsibility for performing necessary physical maintenance at Lake George WMA at no cost to the MDWFP or USACOE, provided that the MDWFP would continue to be responsible for providing law enforcement duties at Lake George WMA.
UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED on this the 12thday of December, 2014.
Cobie Collins, President of the
Yazoo County Board of Supervisors