Save Golden Boy!!
Golden Boy is an American crime drama series created by Nicholas Wootton, which is produced by Berlanti Television and Warner Bros. Television. CBS placed a series order on May 13, 2012. The series ran on CBS from February 26 to May 14, 2013 and aired Tuesdays at 10:00 pm ET.
On May 10, 2013, CBS cancelled the series after one season.
The series follows the successful, meteoric rise — from age 27 to 34 — of Walter Clark, an ambitious cop who becomes the youngest Police Commissioner in New York City history. The show has averaged 8 million viewers every week since it started. It is a great show and it can be long-lasting entertainment for years to come. Sign up, and let's save this show from cancellation. DO NOT DONATE MONEY!! I DID NOT START THIS FOR MONEY!! DO NOT DONATE!! - De'Quincy Travis