Save Foundation Reggae

We are reaching out to all Radio Dis-Jockeys to least play 10 minutes of foundation music in their program, this is not a generation gap or are we differentiating betweens eras this is for the preservation of reggae music. The direction the music is heading if it continue at this pace in 10 to 15 years we might not have this type of music it may become a thing of the past like "Rock & Roll." The Radio Dis-Jockeys do not pay homage to foundation reggae music , they do not play this type of music in their sets , they have shelved foundation reggae and replace it with hip hop sounding beats. Our youth are not being exposed to the icons, to the foundations reggae, some of the icons are no longer present in the flesh. Icons such as Dennis Brown, Alton Elis , Culture, Delroy Wilson, Cynthia Schloss, Hortense Ellis, Gregory Issacs etc and their music is not being played anymore. The younger generation do not know about their music or their contribution to our culture. We are petitioning the media houses to help keep Reggae Music Alive, Please sign this " Save Foundation Music " petition to play your part in this movement..