Save John English and James S. Bell Community Schools

OFFICIAL PETITION initiated by Etobicoke Parents for Public Education
Whereas, in Etobicoke, many of the City of Toronto Parks and Recreation Community Schools are housed in our schools and act as the heart of our communities.
Whereas these affordable, local programs are offered to all age groups in our community, encourage healthy living through physical activity and offer programs to engage youth and build leadership and volunteerism
Whereas we, as residents of Etobicoke Lakeshore, value the contribution of our two community schools which are slated for possible closure: James S. Bell, John English
We, the undersigned agree that the above is necessary for a safe, healthy and inclusive community.
The City of Toronto has always proudly participated in these programs and is a shining example of community partnership. We want Councillors to vote to keep these programs and services over the long term and thereby promote safe, healthy inclusive communities.