Save Ebrington Gallery 2013

If you wish to preserve this wonderful cultural legacy for the city - please sign this online petition. £2.5 million of public money has been used to develop the buildings at Ebrington into state-of-the-art galleries to host the Turner Prize for 2013. Currently these buildings will revert to office space after the show has closed. Considering the over-abundance of empty office space already in the city – and the potential cultural tourism attraction that this gallery could become – the city and its people would certainly lose a very valuable and culturally significant asset if we allow this to happen. This gallery also has the potential to attract many hundreds of thousands of tourists in the coming years to view exhibitions from the very top artists in the world. Every child and adult in the city would have access to a world-class cultural resource on their doorstep. This artistic venue would be the envy of major cities throughout the world and will be the enduring physical cultural legacy for the city after 2013. Please help us preserve it. This petition will be forwarded to Derry City Council, ILEX and the NI Assembly. Thank you for your support.