Save Dr. Shafa, because he SAVED US !!!!
Dyanne Pitard Marlborough 0

Save Dr. Shafa, because he SAVED US !!!!

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I have been a patient of Dr. Shafa for over 20 years & he did in fact save my life !!!! At the present time the Federal government has levied charges against Dr. Shafa & from an outsiders perspective he looks like a bad man....Well, I'm here to tell you that he is not a bad man at all !!!!

Dr. Shafa is the most dedicated psychiatrist/recovery specialist in the greater metrowest area....He has passionately & without pause helped many, many people, myself included. When I first walked into his office I was all of 85lbs, a mere skeleton of a being. I was addicted to a combination of heroin/cocaine in deadly fashion & had just weeks prior overdosed multiple times. I was walking death at that time & in great trouble with the law. Through his commitment to my recovery,proper medication & weekly meetings held by Dr.Shafa, I got clean & completely turned my life around. Currently I am a taxpaying, home owner, working full time....but above all of that I am a present parent, one whom my children can respect & look up to. I credit my life's recovery on the good works of Dr. Shafa & his amazing wife (Office manager) Nina.

What people don't know: He NEVER took advantage of people in the monetary sense, ACTUALLY he saw many patients who had absolutely NO means of payment (Again, myself included, for years) focusing solely on the greater good....HELPING PATIENTS ACHIEVE & MAINTAIN SOBRIETY !!!!

He has been physically attacked by patients,but was only concerned with their well being & not a thought given towards his own potential injuries. He has worked to the point of his own physical exhaustion, illness & hospitalization !!!! Putting his own well being behind that of his patients !!!!

He works tirelessly 6 days a week, from early in the morning until at times into the early hours of the following day....

He has put his own personal time with his family behind that of his care for his patients, phone calls at 3am, hospital visits etc.

We, his patients & families of patients understand the exact nature of these charges & are not in the dark....Most of these charges seem completely frivolous & there only because they can be. These people (Dr. & Mrs. Shafa) ARE NOT CRIMINALS !!!! Everything done by them has been done so born of 100% altruism & the desire to make this world a better place, one patient at a time through their newly found Sobriety or better lives through proper psychiatric care !!!! We the undersigned are here to say that the prosecution of these fine citizens is an abuse of power & a great scar on this community !!!! Perhaps more focus should be spent on those that are continually prospering from the sale of illicit drugs, thusly creating more & more addicted Souls....Not on those who spend their lives fighting to end addiction & the havoc that it wreaks in the life of the addict & all of their loved ones & extended acquaintances. I fear greatly that without the good works of these incredibly caring people very many people will suffer & perhaps even lose their lives !!!!


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