Help save Don Bigote Churros @ the Mercado!!!!
Chris Correnti 0

Help save Don Bigote Churros @ the Mercado!!!!

636 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Chris Correnti 0 Comments
636 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Hey everyone,

Here is a quick rundown of what is going on with Don Bigote(churro shop) @ Portland Mercado and why we would love to have you support them in this petition.(Spanish version below)

The owners of Don Bigote were recently allowed to finally open up their shop a few months ago after leaping over some hurdles with the Portland Mercado's management only to have their lease not be renewed a few months later. Don Bigote has put in a lot of effort, time and money into creating this specialty space inside the Mercado in order to open. They did this in the face of the Pandemic slowing them way down and revamping their menu to find the perfect niche inside the balance of the Mercado ecosystem.

The overseers of the Mercado have chosen to give them 90-days notice to leave the Mercado. I ask that you consider sharing your thoughts and joining us in this petition to try and keep the shop open and running at the Mercado and to inform the community of what is going on.

The Petition -

Don Bigote is a business that serves the community in a meaningful way. They have been given 90 days to leave the Portland Mercado premises(60 days+/- left as of 10/21).

We ask that this is reconsidered, as Don Bigote is a vital part of our community. It has not only brought a wonderful and needed menu of churros and sweets to the Mercado and Foster-Powell communities that everyone can enjoy, but it has also created this community following two very challenging years.

We the community want to keep this business here to enjoy and believe it would be a disservice to remove it. We as a community request that the lease not be terminated, but instead renewed as we see it as an important part of the Portland Mercado and the Foster-Powell neighborhood.

Churros United!

P.S. No financial help is needed! This is just for signatures uniting us together in favor of Don Bigote staying at the Mercado. No donations needed!

¡De acuerdo! Es hora de sacar las armas grandes. Es hora de movilizarse!

Don Bigote necesita nuestra ayuda.

La maravillosa tienda de churros en el Portland Mercado ha recibido un aviso de 90 días para desalojar su tienda, que acaba de abrir en julio. Hasta donde yo sé, esta no es una decisión del Mercado. Proviene de los superiores que desarrollaron el Mercado como una incubadora para que las pequeñas empresas locales crezcan y prosperen.

Esta acción va en contra de esa misión y también significa que a los propietarios de Don Bigote se les permitió gastar decenas de miles de dólares en la creación del espacio de la tienda solo para que se cerrara poco después de que se les permitiera abrir.

No estamos seguros de cómo se desarrollará esto, pero si ha estado en la tienda, disfruta de la comunidad y la cultura que Don Bigote ha traído al Mercado y/o quiere ayudarnos a correr la voz y pedir a los supervisores del Mercado que renueven el contrato de arrendamiento de la churrería, haga clic en el enlace a continuación y firme nuestra petición.

No se necesitan donaciones! Estas son nuestras firmas, voces y comentarios que impulsan esto para salvar a una pequeña empresa.

Más detalles a medida que estén disponibles.



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