Mona Menking 0

Save Desert Hills Elementary

148 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Mona Menking 0 Comments
148 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This petition is to support our exceptional principal Jamie Vance. Thanks to a few bullies she has been removed, so we have created this petition because we believe principal Vance’s “reassignment” was unjustified, unfair, badly timed and a huge distraction for our kiddos. We hope to use our resources and speak on behalf of the students, faculty and staff, parents, and of course, Jamie. Our goal is to get her back and at least, allow her to finish the rest of the semester. This can seriously impact our score as one of two A schools in the district as well as our kids performance on the upcoming testing since the teachers have to continue in an environment of FEAR. Her contract is over June 1st anyway. And the coverup (k-3 plus reasssignment) doesn’t start till end of June. So say NO to BULLIES and get on board for your kids.

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