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Save DDOT (Detroit Department of Transportation Bus Services)

12 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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12 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The Proposed Solution: Submitted by K Productions

DDOT, by investing into the Detroit Small Business Community from the position of becoming an advertising outlet, DDOT can effectively generate an amount of $38.4 million dollars a year by simply putting up posters. The formula is strictly based on a 12 month cycle in which 40 advertisements are placed on each DDOT bus for the price of $100, rotating on a weekly basis.

Here’s The Formula:
( Price Per Ad) X (Ads Per Bus) X (Amount of Buses) X (Ad Rotation Period Per Month) = (SUM/Amount of Money Generated Per Month for DDOT Bus Services)

$100    +   40 ad spaces    +    4 week rotation   +    200 buses   +    12 months   =  
38.4 Million Dollars per year

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