Gill Costello 0

Save D-Light - Is DCC going to protect or close down another Arts and Community Space?

Gill Costello 0 Comments
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D-Light is at huge risk of closure and we urge our landlord - Dublin City Council to move quickly and work within a reasonable timeframe to protect arts and community vision in North Inner City Centre as part of the fading Dublin cultural scene.

We have been tenants and curators of this building for over 15 years and we believe it's time to not only secure our existence but to support our efforts and our cultural mission.

After four years of negotiating with our landlord for a long-term lease and plans for necessary renovations to keep the building operating in its current format, we are now being forced to leave the premises due to urgent fire safety works. We have no lease security, no time frame or schedule of works, and no support for our survival. Our exit from the building means our end.

If you believe that our space and organisation is of value please sign the petition, here is what we are asking:

  1. That Dublin City Council (our legal landlord) undertakes the necessary and required fire safety works while respecting our occupancy of the space.
  2. To ensure our long-term survival, we urgently need DCC to guarantee our tenancy with a lease.

D-Light Studios is a social enterprise, where profits from the studio hire go directly towards developing and curating not-for-profit initiatives such as: artists’ residencies, exhibitions, music gigs, performances, shows, markets, wellbeing activities, community events, workshops and inspirational talks as well as subsidising artists’ and community rental rates.

Once all the pressing issues with the building are resolved, D-Light Projects - a not-for-profit entity is ready to continue to serve the arts, local and wider communities of Dublin. We are dedicated to curating a rich and diverse program for personal growth, collaboration and community well-being through Culture and Creativity.

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