Save Coconut Trees of Goa...#CoconutLove

When we speak of Goa, the first visual that hits our imagination are the coconut groves along a lane in a small village. Coconut trees have been an identity of Goa from centuries. The coconut tree has been an integral and a very important part of Goan culture, Heritage, Music, Cuisine, Architecture, Art, Festivals, and everything that is Goan. The trees sre being cut illegally & the lands used to built illegal constructions without any requirements of permissions, we close to losing our identity itself.
On 14th January 2016, the Government of Goa amended the draconian law in the assembly. Three days earlier, “Save the Coconut Tree Chipko Movement” was organized by activists on the Guirim- Mapusa highway on the 11th of January 2016. The Coconut Chipko Movement set Goa on fire, people are angry!
Together with God & our guiding star Armando Gonsalves let's fight against this corrupt government to save the trees of Goa. As the trees are being cut for selfish reasons like building housing society's, factories and many other construction work. They are destroying the beauty of Goa & it's nature. We need to stop this a we all know that if trees are cut there will be a drastic change in the environment, weather and many other destruction to come in future with regards to global warming too. The recent floods are an example of it too.
When you sign this petition each signature is taken into consideration and it will not be wasted. We will send this to the Indian Government & the authority in Goa.