Save Bristol Services

Bristol City Council recently voted through £83m of cuts to the city. All the parties on the council, Labour, Tory, LibDem and Green are all part of the cabinet that put forward this devastating budget. If implemented it will mean 1000 jobs lost and cuts to many services including libraries and care.
We needs councillors that stand up for ordinary people in Bristol, not ones that pass on cuts from the Tory government.
We call on Bristol City Council to match the election pledges of Trade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts and:
- Fight to halt and reverse all cuts and privatisations to our services.
- Campaign to return public transport to public ownership under local, democratic control.
- Build desperately needed affordable homes, ending the blackmail of private landlord racketeers who charge sky high rents to young and old alike.
- Use their position to fight for a £10.00 hour wage for all workers and outlaw zero hour contracts.