Save Bodger the Pub Dog!
Due to two anonymous complaints we have to look at re-homing our beloved pub dog Bodger. He has been accused of straying when he partakes of his daily jaunt around the front of the pub to the riverbank. Taunton Deane Council have sent two dog wardens to watch the pub to catch Bodger in the process of this heinous act. They have sent us a letter saying that if they catch him they will take him to the dog pound and we will then have to pay to have him released. We cannot consider chaining him up because this would be cruel following the freedom that he has previously enjoyed. He is a sociable dog who is very popular with our patrons. We the undersigned agree with the following statements: - 1. I have never witnessed Bodger wandering into the road. 2. I have never witnessed Bodger creating a traffic hazard. 3. I have never witnessed Bodger displaying any aggressive behaviour either inside or outside of the pub. 4. Bodger is a very well behaved dog.