Cass Morgan-evans 0

Save Avi from destruction

18 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Cass Morgan-evans 0 Comments
18 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

A couple of weeks ago Avi got caught up in a melee in Shrewsbury Town Centre which resulted in her catching a local town pc on the arm. As most of you locals know, Avi is a fun loving gentle dog owned by homeless man, Nick; she sits by him all day and welcomes anyone and everyone, while Nick plays whistle or guitar. The police have decided that Avi is to be seized and subjected to a destruction order. Nick is totally devastated by this as Avi has been his constant companion for all three and a half years of her life. The bond and trust between them is beyond compare and we are therefore urging people to sign this petition to save her life. This petition will be presented (via the Solicitor) to the magistrates to avoid this beautiful, young and healthy dog being destroyed. PLEASE SIGN AND SAVE AVI'S LIFE. Thankyou

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