SAVE Alto Vista
Daphne Lejuez 0

SAVE Alto Vista

833 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Daphne Lejuez 0 Comments
833 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

SAVE Alto Vista - WE ARUBA!

Do you feel that our historic Alto Vista Chapel and it’s serene surroundings should be respected and protected? Here’s your chance to show your concern and work together to CHANGE the outcome, right now.

Do you agree that 149m tall industrial grade windturbines should not be placed 500 meters close to a world known spiritual landmark and place of worship? That it will affect the view, generate noise and alter the overall energy at this sacred location?

Let's give Alto Vista the respect it deserves and keep it's location and surroundings for worship serene and peaceful ... Show your for Aruba!

Here's your chance to show your concern and work together to CHANGE the outcome.

As many people as possible signing this petition will most definitely indicate that there is substantial social unrest about these plans, with the result that this will influence the final outcome of these plans. In order to achieve the desired outcome, to keep Alto Vista's Chapel in it's serene and peaceful surroundings, it will require a large group of people from all over the island to show their support and their LOVE for ARUBA and its heritage.

The MER (Millieu Effecten Rapportage) report will be sent to parliament, where the final decision will be taken about this windfarm and it's possible location. And with this petition we would like to show them that we care for Alto Vista Chapel and would like to keep this historical and spiritual place of worship intact.

Please share this with all your contacts, and publicize this as widely as possible.

Don't forget that WE CAN STILL CHANGE THIS OUTCOME. Now is the time to stand up for what you value and cherish!


Background Information
Here’s a little bit of background info: a second windfarm on Aruba has been proposed at  Urirama – Alto Vista. It will consist of 10 windturbines, each standing 140m tall. They will be  very close to Alto Vista Chapel (500 meters) and will run up right to the edge of Tierra del  Sol.

This location was proposed because it will generate the most wind, is the furthest away  from the Vader Piet Windfarm, and the area has ‘no significant economical or social value  according to the first SEA report.

We want the MER outcome to reflect that this area and landscape has a VERY SIGNIFICANT  value to us on Aruba, a natural value, historic value, spiritual value and touristic value.

Do we really want to sacrifice this? Why can’t we just add more wind turbines to Vader Piet? They might yield somewhat less energy, but the area has already been disturbed, and in addition, the costs for infrastructure will be significantly lower, since it is already in place?

Did you know that Alto Vista Chapel:

  • was built on native sacred ground?
  • was the first church established in the whole of the Caribbean?
  • was stated to be the location where conversion of Aruban Indians to Christianity started and the religious history of Aruba began.
  • is considered the no.1 Tourist Attraction for Aruba?
  • will be celebrating it's 250th anniversary this year?
  • is considered in the top 100 spiritual places in the world?
  • once a week, the priest of Noord holds mass at Alto Vista.
  • In 1954, the Virgin Marie of Alto Vista was adorned with a golden crown and 78 gemstones, which was made with contributions from the people of Aruba, who donated money, rings and other gold valuables.

These are only a few bits of Alto Vista Chapel's facts, as surely there must be very many personal stories attached to this historic building.


Safe Green Community Aruba Aruba Birdlife Foundation Stimaruba


Read the MER Report commissioned by Vader Piet NV:

Here are the annexes to this MER:

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