Molly Sutter 0

Save ABC's Black Box

307 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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307 people have signed. Add your voice!
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ABC's brilliant new TV show, Black Box, is in danger of cancellation due to low ratings. This program is fresh and breathes new life into the tired "doctor" genre of television shows. We, the fans of Black Box, must ban together to save this show from the wrath of ABC's chopping block. Just because it has low ratings does not mean that there aren't dedicated fans motivated to put time and energy into growing Black Box's fan base. Please ABC, give Black Box the time it deserves to grow- do not cancel this quality show simply because there are only a few million people watching it- those are still people, we are still people. We believe in this program, it has the potential to enlighten the world. Do not become just another heartless, money focused television station- believe in something. Believe in Black Box, and it's message. Give Black Box the chance it deserves- another season.

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