Save Legendary Game of Heros
Alan Calcott 0

Save Legendary Game of Heros

461 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Alan Calcott 0 Comments
461 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The Developers at N3TWORKs are killing our game with wholesale changes that are driving players away in droves.

N3TWORKS is funded by Eniac Ventures, Floodgate Fund, GV Venture Capital and Kliener Perkins.

This petition is to be send to the Main Board, the Investor Committee and Executive Team to try and get them to listen to us.

Many of us are ready to walk away from the game and take our wallets with us.

Please state your

  • LGoH Game Name
  • LGoH Rank
  • VIP = Yes / No

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