Saratoga Springs School Security
This petition has been created with the intent of ensuring the security of the children of Saratoga Springs. The goal of this petition is to encourage Saratoga City Government to review reason for an increase in property and/or city sales taxes in order to create enough revenue to do the following: -Create more positions within the police department in order to provide at LEAST one armed, visible law enforcement officer in each and EVERY school in Saratoga Springs city limits. Obviously with school not being in session all year, year round security will not be required but should be in place prior to the start of school until after the end of the day when halls and classrooms have been cleared. -Employ properly trained and capable, uniformed security at every school within the city. The positions can and should be filled by citizens of Saratoga Springs through a volunteer system. The individuals volunteering should be subject to a thorough background check, proper training of firearms through an NRA sponsored program, concealed weapons permit holders. Proper compensation to these volunteers could be drawn from the additional revenue of tax dollars, or could possibly be done an unpaid, completely voluntary basis. There are many veterans and retired law enforcement people in Saratoga Springs, I being one of them, that would gladly sacrifice several days throughout the year in order to protect the children of our great city. It is hoped that this petition will gather enough signatures to place the issue on ballot at an upcoming city council meeting.