Sanctions for Venezuelan's Governmental Officials for Human Right Violation and Corruption
Venezuelan citizens are hold hostage by Nicolas Maduro regime. A regimen that is sanctioning and extensively violating the human rights of those who to dare oppose him. These violations have being carried out throughout Venezuelan territory toward anti-government pacific protesters and toward those who the government consider ‘suspicious of conspiracy’. The National Guard in conjunction with trained civilian militias called “colectivos” are attacking, incarcerating and persecuting Venezuelan people.
Venezuelan protesters and dissenters are mostly young people who are fighting to rescue the Venezuela of their parents and grandparents: a Venezuela free, dignify and democratic. Until the month of May, there have been reported and documented 3100 detained victims of physical abuses, 42 killed and 192 incarcerated in horrible prisons for hardened criminals. The jailed are accused of terrible crimes that can give them up to10 years in prison.
The Government of Maduro as well as his predecessor Hugo Chavez has demonstrated their antidemocratic principles and his clear alliances with international terrorism such as the dictatorship of Cuba, radical Muslims and Russian terrorist among others. With highest inflation rates in the Western hemispheres 56.3%, highest rates of delinquency crimes in the world (every 21 minutes a Venezuelan is killed by common delinquents), scarcity of main products, media censorship and coercion, all in all these have caused outrage of the Venezuelan people. Maduro’s government answered by promoting and carrying on violence, given free range to armed paramilitaries (colectivos) and National Guard.
The real criminals in Venezuela, as you can see, are in the Government and his accomplices. Maduro’s government is in clear violation of Human Rights and that is why today We,Venezuelan - American citizens, are asking Senator Harry Reid majority leader of Congress and USA representatives to exercise their power and support bill H.R.4587 in defense of Human Rights for Venezuelan and the restoration of their freedom.
Thank you in advance for your support of the bill H.R.4587.