Same-Sex Marriage in Oregon

LOVE IS LOVE.Help Legalize Gay Marriage in Oregon Now.
Many people in the beautiful state of Oregon are bisexual, homosexual, ortranssexual. Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, teachers, friends, even veterans!
The number of Oregonians who reported living in same-sex couple households increased nearly 68% from 2000 to 2010, from about 8,900 to 14,980. That's nearly twice as much gay couples in 10 years! As normal citizens so involved in our everyday community, shouldn't they have the same rights as anyone else?
Put aside your "religious" beliefs for just a moment and think. We are all human. Did anybody say to you that you couldn't be with, or marry someone of the opposite sex? Imagine how that feels.
Boys and girls alike are bullied every single day for the way they feel for someone of the same sex. Isn't it time to end our medieval ways of dealing with this?We've ended the opposition to end woman'ssuffrage, we've ended the discrimination of African Americans, and we've ended thehatredagainst the other practices of religion. If we end the discrimination of same-sex couples, this world will truly be a world of Equality, the home of the Brave, and the land of the Free.
Signbelow if you believe in a world of true equality.