Same Sex Couple Adoptions

Same sex couples, and even trans couples, deserve to adopt a child. Straights can adopt all they want and they usually mistreat the child or use them in a cruel way like for buying them drugs or using them to get women or men. Same sex couples would take better care of the child/children and love them more because they know what it's like to not be wanted.
You won't let them adopt, or sometimes even keep a kid they have themselves, because you think "they'll corrupt the child" and "it's abuse for them to live with two same gender parents." If you look at statistics, there's more child abuse cases from straight couples than you will see from same sex couples.
The divorce rate for same sex couples is also lower than opposite sex couples. Opposite sexes usually only get with someone for money then divorce them and the other person usually suffers more than that person. I know this because my actual dad is the same way and he's a douchebag. Would you want the kid to go to a family that will most likely not last, or a family that will most likely last for their lifetime?
What is so wrong about have a lesbian or gay couple adopt? I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. You may argue that "the child will be influenced and become gay/lesbian/whatever from having same sex parents!" Uhm, no. The sexuality of a person is not determined by what they're around. It's not really a choice. It's just what that person's preference is. Like for instence, my little sisters are bisexual. If the want to be with a girl they can. If they want to be with a guy they can. One of them is more on the lesbian side of her bisexuality, and the other is more on the straight side. I still see no problem in letting a couple adopt regardless if it's man and woman or not.
This petition is going to congress, the supreme court, adoption agencies, and the mayors. Please help me get all the signatures and more for this. I know there's a lot of same sex couples out there that would love to adopt or have their own child but can't because the agencies won't let them.