Demand for Sally Kern's Censure
We have had enough hate. Sally Kern has made her views on homosexuality known and as a public official, she should be ashamed of herself. She hides behind her right to free speech, but it doesn't matter how you dress it up, it's hate speech. In Oxnard last month, a 15 year old boy was shot in the head by another classmate because he was gay. We don't need anymore elected officials spouting hatred that would encourage and condone brutal acts of violence such as murder and other hate crimes. She may not have outright asked people to commit hate crimes, but when homosexuals are labeled a worse threat than terrorists, somebody will be listening, somebody will act, and somebody will pay the price. Her actions must not go unpunished. We may not reside in the state of Oklahoma, but Ms. Kern's speech and it's effects can and will be felt around the world. We are asking for Ms. Kerns immediate censure. We want her to know that speech may be free, but hate comes at a higher cost.