Safety For Dulaney Athletics Now!

Please Support Our Cause!
Dulaney High School proves every season, year after year, that we deserve better facilities, fields, and a track. We have made multiple requests for tasks as simple as reseeding our fields or fixing the showers, but each time we are denied by Baltimore County.
The fields our teams practice and compete on are extremely unsafe! They are uneven, with little or no grass, and littered with exposed rocks and massive divots. These conditions have caused injuries to numerous Dulaney players, Physical Education students, members of our allied sports programs, and visiting teams playing at Dulaney.
Dulaney's track has been worn down to a THIN layer with multiple divots where the track has completely worn away. This track is used every day by the Physical Education department, by the Special Education department, by our athletic teams, and by the community. People are continuously tripping on the holes or sliding as they run due to the crumbling surface.
All of our teams have inadequate storage for equipment and personal belongings. Our locker rooms are unsafe, with limited areas to store and lock personal belongings, to change for practices, or even to use the restrooms. The lack of locker rooms leaves our practice equipment out in the open, and there have been numerous occasions in which student-athletes' bags are rummaged through and items stolen. We don't even have working showers!
If you ever come to a physical education class, you will find hundreds of students having to share only one gym in extreme heat, with no working bathrooms, no showers and minimal lockers to store anything. Our elective classes have to use a weight room which is completely unventilated and located down a stairwell with only one way in and out. Oh, and some days we have a great view of the outside, as the plexi glass windows have fallen out of the wall in the locker rooms.
This is UNACCEPTABLE! By no standard are our fields, facilities, and track remotely safe for over 1,100 student-athletes, hundreds of Physical Education students, visiting teams from all over the state of Maryland, and our active community at large. We need to advocate with the Baltimore County Executive and Superintendent for safer conditions.
Dulaney has the largest athletic program in the entire county, with a long standing tradition of achievements - 31 State Championship teams, 80 Individual State Champions, 43 State Finalist teams, 202 Regional Championship teams, and 250 Baltimore County Varsity Championship teams....EVERY DULANEY STUDENT-ATHLETE, PHYSICAL EDUCATION STUDENT, ALLIED SPORTS PARTICIPANT, VISITOR AND COMMUNITY MEMBER DESERVES A SAFE FACILITY!!!