Safety and Security GHS

Due to the increase in school shootings throughout the country, the recent events at Clarksburg High School, the size of our building, and our increasing student population, we the staff at Gaithersburg High School do hereby petition the Montgomery County Board of Education for an increased allocation of security staffing at Gaithersburg High School.
Montgomery County Public Schools has emphasized their commitment to the safety and security of all students and staff in all Montgomery County schools.
Montgomery County Public Schools has also committed itself to modeling equitable practices.
Gaithersburg High School is the largest physical plant in MCPS – more than four hundred thousand square feet distributed between three floors. However, Gaithersburg High School has been allocated only 7 security team members. We know there are other high schools with less square footage that have larger security teams than Gaithersburg High School.
The teachers and staff of Gaithersburg High School do not believe the allocation of 7 security team members is consistent with the equitable practices MCPS emphasizes. Nor do we believe the allocation of 7 security staff to our building is consistent with the commitment MCPS has made to keep students and staff safe and secure.
Therefore, the teachers and staff of Gaithersburg High School do present to the Montgomery County Board of Education this petition for at least two additional security team members. We believe this addition will help to make our building, students and staff safer and more secure.
We ask that you give this petition immediate consideration.
Signed, the teachers and staff of Gaithersburg High School