Safer crossings along Durnsford Road

Wimbledon Park Primary School in the last few years has gone from a 2 form entry, from 420 children to a 3 form entry. This means that by September 2017 there will be nearly 700 children in attendance. The school is not yet at full capacity but already the crossings along Durnsford Road and roads around the school are becoming very busy.
To make it safer for our children to cross this busy road we as parents would like to see a few changes made.
When using the two crossings at Ryfold Road and in particularly Ashen Grove it now takes much longer for the lights to change so there are more people crossing at once, often spilling out over the lines into the stationery traffic. We would like to see the wait time reduced. (This has been dealt with)
Implementing a 20 zone and speed bumps on Lucien, Havana and Wellington Road. (This has been dealt with)
Widening of the pavement on the corner of Ashen Grove and Durnsford Road as children often spill out onto the road as so busy.
The current crossing outside Sainsburys be made safer. By removing two parking bays which would improve the line of sight for both drivers and pedestrians or possibly installing a zebra crossing. This is a very dangerous crossing as is on a blind bend and due to the parked cars or Sainsburys deliveries drivers cannot see pedestrians waiting to cross.
More modern, brightly lit traffic calming School signs/flashers along the whole of Durnsford Road. They are currently either hanging off or facing the wrong way. The one opposite Sainsburys facing the wrong way should be moved to the corner of Mount Road before the crossing giving drivers more time to slow down. (This has been dealt with)