Safe parking provision for residents along the A30
TO Surrey County Council : I would like to bring to your attention a local issue which is affecting myself and the residents along the stretch of London Rd between the Crooked Billet Roundabout and Stanwell New Road. We currently have no formal parking provision in the proximity of our houses which means that we have no means to safely load or off-load passengers or goods from our vehicles. The parking in the Stanwell New Road and Farnell Road is already under pressure from immediate residents, making it is difficult to find parking within a reasonable distance from our homes. We find it remiss that no safe parking provision is made for residents in this area especially when you consider the fact that this area is along a high-speed road - an accident waiting to happen... as well as the fact that parking provision is made for residents along the A30 in every other residential area along this road within the Spelthorne borough. I would call on the council to provide safe parking provision for residents in this area.