Safe Drivers for Kids

Please support this petition in asking the Luxemburg-Casco School District to refrain from reinstating Mr.Gordy Reckelberg to his previous bus route upon passing his bus liscense testing. The following are some of the concerns shared by many of the parents with children on this bus. -Mr. Reckelberg has taken and failed his bus test 6 times. As a seasoned driver this is unacceptable. -Mr. Reckelberg has had multiple heartattacks and other heart related issues. -When concerns are presented to Mr. Reckelberg, he completely denies claims made by the children and disregards any concerns relating to these issues from parents. -Mr. Reckelberg backs up his bus onto State Highway 29 endangering the children on the bus. There is ample room for the bus to turn around without backing onto the highway. The current substitute driver does not back up onto the highway. -When there is an issue Mr. Reckelberg tells the children to Shut Up and Sit Down. Children need to feel safe asking the driver for help. The safety and wellbeing of the children are at risk when riding a bus driven by Mr.Gordy Reckelberg. In signing this petition you are supporting the concerns listed above.