Safe Crossing

Currently there is no safe crossing from Ogles to Emge School across 74th Street. Ogles Watch Neighborhood Association and local residents have been pursing a issue for this over the last 2 years. Throughout the years traffic has increased on 74th Street and without sidewalks or crossing guards its a danger for children (or anyone) crossing from the neighborhood to the school.
The area in concern encompasses multiple government jurisdictions increasing the difficultly of pursing the matter. However, OWNA, lead by Cindy Bingham, is dedicated to adding a safe crossing for the students.
On Monday February 12, at 1p a meeting is being held at the District 175 Office (in Emge) and county, city and school officials have all be invited and will be there. Your support is needed too. And here is what we need from you:
1. Sign this petition to voice your support, share it if you wish too.
2. Attend the meeting and future meetings if possible.
3. If you can't attend but would like to assist with this project contact Cindy at (618) 541-0560 or ogleswatch@gmail.com