On 3/13/09 Thornton Academy released it's new program of studies to it's students. They also unveiled a new policy that will only allow for students to sign up for 7 out 8 blocks with classes and are going to have to have a mandatory study hall. This petition is protesting this idea. This petition is asking for either no change being made to the schedule or that the administration work with a public forum to finding an alternative solution to this problem. With this new policy the students of TA are being made to make a choice. They will no longer be able to fill their schedules with multiple arts classes. For those who wish to major in music or theatre, or belong to both will have to start picking and choosing carefully for one class or two on top of their core classes and foreign language. Students who wish to major in languages will be forced to make the same decisions. Thornton has a history of dedication to arts. This dedication sets our school and its students apart from the rest of Maine. We are leaders in education. We cannot let our arts programs fall like so many other schools Please leave your name and e-mail address below.