Sable is Steph's Sheep

This petition is to prove that the majority of Sable-the-Sheep's (deviantART: http://sable-the-sheep.deviantart.com/ Name: Steph) friends and other people believe that the character, Sable the Sheep, rightfully belongs to her, and NOT MockingBirdxx (deviantART: http://mockingbirdxx.deviantart.com/ Name: Amelia/Millie), who is harassing Steph constantly as she wishes to reclaim the character back. Millie put the character up for adoption some time ago (she is the original creator), and Sable was adopted by RaspberryShark. However, Millie claims that she and RaspberryShark never agreed to the adoption, but RaspberryShark disagrees. RaspberryShark then sold Sable onto Steph, which Millie is outraged with as apparently, there was a 'no reselling' clause attached to Sable. RaspberryShark remembered no such clause, and when one was produced, she had not seen it before when she was adopting Sable. Millie has now traced Sable back to Steph, and is harassing her and turning her friends against her, just for one character. Steph has been using this character for some time now, and adores her, hence the dA username, but Millie will simply not let her go. Help Steph and Sable today, petition against this harassment on MockingBirdxx's behalf. This cannot go on.