We support the Saber Stadium Project!

The Saber Stadium Project committee remains 100% focused and dedicated to raising funds via private donations for this project. However, we feel it’s very important to start the project this spring for several reasons, with the primary reason being that we keep the momentum of raising almost $900,000 in four months moving forward. The reaction and support of the community has been incredible and we’re concerned interest and enthusiasm will decrease if this project doesn’t happen this year, making fund raising in the future that much more difficult. Hence, we are asking the School District for financial assistance to get the project started now and to offset any costs that could occur should we not reach our fund raising goals.
“TOGETHER” we can make this project happen! We need elected officials, residents and businesses to support what we know is a big decision. A decision we all know will benefit the entire Franklin community for many years. No one will regret what we did TOGETHER to provide these improved facilities for our community.The Saber Stadium Committee will continue to raise funds and we need to work TOGETHER to make this a reality this year. We all want to do what is right for the kids and the community, and TOGETHER WE CAN!
For more info, please visit: www.saberstadiumproject.com