Bir kopek gordum sanki! / I thought I saw a dog!
Pelin Tunaydin 0

Bir kopek gordum sanki! / I thought I saw a dog!

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178 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We the undersigned are appalled by the decision and the disgraceful measures taken by the Sabanci University administration to eliminate some of the canine residents of the campus. The method followed is a particularly cruel one, leaving the animals to their fate in an unknown environment after they have resided for several years in the secure setting of the campus, dependent on human support.

It is crucial to note that the method followed is also against the Animal Protection Law numbered 5199 and dated 1.7.2004. Article 5, paragraph 7 of the aforementioned law clearly states that: "Pet animals and controlled animals who are not in a state to adapt to their natural habitats cannot be abandoned; they cannot be relinquished to environments where they cannot feed or adapt to the climate. However, it is possible to carry out re-adoption procedures or place them in animal sanctuaries." The Animal Protection Law has also designated (however symbolic) a 200 Turkish Lira administrative fine per animal for those who have not abided by the provisions of Article 5, paragraph 7.

We would like to see the university administration take this matter seriously, claim responsibility and embrace an examplary policy in which peaceful co-existence is privileged above fear and dislike of other living beings than ourselves.


Asagida imzasi olan bizler, Sabanci Universitesi yonetiminin kampuste yasayan bazi kopekleri uzaklastirmak uzere aldigi karari ve uyguladigi utanc verici yontemi kiniyoruz. Baska turlu bir secenek arayisina girilmeden uygulanan bu yontem, kampusun guvenli ortamina ve insanlarin bakimina alismis hayvanlari tanimadiklari bir ortama goturup kaderlerine terk etmekten ibarettir.

Dahasi, universite yonetiminin uygulamis oldugu yontem 7 Temmuz 2004'te Resmi Gazete'de yayinlanan 5199 sayılı Hayvanlari Koruma Kanunu'na da aykiridir. Kanunun 5. maddesinin 7. fikrasında su hukumler yer almaktadir: "Ev ve sus hayvanlari ile kontrollu hayvanlardan, dogal yasama ortamlarina tekrar uyum saglayamayacak durumda olanlar terk edilemez; beslenemeyecegi ve iklimine uyum saglayamayacagi ortama birakilamaz. Ancak, yeniden sahiplendirme yapilabilir ya da hayvan bakimevlerine teslim edilebilir." Ayni kanunun 28. maddesinin (b) bendinde ise, ilgili fikrada "ongorulen yukumluluk ve yasaklara uymayanlara hayvan basina iki yuz Turk Lirasi idari para cezasi" verilecegi belirtilmektedir.

Bizler Sabanci Universitesi yonetiminin bu meseleyi ciddiye almasini, bu konuda sorumluluk ustlenerek, korku ve nefreti değil, tum canlilari icerecek bir 'bir arada yasama kulturu'nu one cikaran ornek bir yaklasim benimsemesini talep ediyoruz.

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