Times-Picayune Ad Supporting S. 1668

[Heading] AN INVESTMENT IN RECOVERY IS AN INVESTMENT IN AMERICA [Sub-heading] Passing the Gulf Coast Housing Recovery Act is in the best interest of our region, the state and the American people. The combined energies of community-based advocates and strategic allies across the Gulf Coast embrace the Equity and Inclusion Campaign, which in part supports the restoration of affordable housing along the Gulf Coast, as a major component to an equitable and inclusive Gulf Coast recovery. Without places for people to live who help provide the work that stimulates our economy, there can be no recovery. We strongly urge all Louisianans to hold the Federal government accountable to deliver on long-overdue commitments to rebuilding our region, if for no other reason, than in the national interest to bolster our economy. The bill is moving through Congress and presents a solution to address the demonstrable on-going need for affordable housing solutions for a range of incomes across the Gulf Coast. [Main message] The Gulf Coast Housing Recovery Act seeks to replace public housing with mixed income communities with affordable workforce housing. The bill provides options for affordable housing and homeownership, including: -Phased re-development of subsidized housing; vouchers for low-income families the elderly and homeless; and low-income homeownership opportunities. -Resources to cover most of the Road Home funding gap. -Federal housing and insurance guidelines to spur the equitable development of blighted properties, and free up local mortgage capital for Gulf Coast residents. We must take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to create a better Louisiana, Mississippi and - we hope that with our continued advocacy Alabama - as well. Nearly every member of the Louisiana congressional delegation, Republican and Democrat, the business community and over 100 faith and community organizations endorses this approach. Join in the fight for fair housing - demand the passage of the Gulf Coast Housing Recovery Act. [Boilerplate] The Equity and Inclusion Campaign is a legislative advocacy and public messaging campaign aimed at federal policymakers that seeks to energize and sustain a national dialogue on equity and inclusion. The Campaign\'s long-term goal is to advocate through a regional approach for an equitable and inclusive Gulf Coast recovery, responsive to the needs of its citizens, poor, the elderly, and communities of color in the region, returning them to communities of opportunity. The Gulf Coast Housing Recovery Act of 2007 (S. 1668) was introduced by Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn and Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-LA to replace occupied affordable housing units that were destroyed in Hurricane Katrina and the devastating flooding that followed. The bipartisan legislation is a companion bill to legislation passed in the House with every member of the Louisiana House delegation, Republicans and Democrats, voting for the House bill. For more information on the campaign and the Gulf Coast Housing Recovery Act visit: www.equityandinclusion.org Advertisement paid for by the Equity and Inclusion Campaign