Rush Limbaugh Must "Go"
Rush Limbaugh must go. Not because he's a racist, misogynist, or conservative. Not because he roots for our President to fail. Not because he supports attacks on women's health, worker's rights and voting rights. Not because he's a dangerous "entertainer". Limbaugh must go because he has spent years viciously sliming the private lives and personal characteristics of public policy advocates. Enough is enough. For years, Republicans have condoned his "FemiNazi" comments and racist remarks. There is no place in the public discourse for Rush Limbaugh's "tastes". Conservatives condone Rush Limbaugh's politics of personal destruction. Fair game they said, even when simply ignorant.Right-wing hardliners need his help to support their agenda, so they encouraged him to pump-up the hard right, intimidate whomever is simple-minded enough to be caught in his web of "entertainment-babble", and give the cigar-smoking misogynists a "show" to further their dark and double-standardized agendas. Not politicians, rather guys in Washington building empires of wealth & celebrity, rather than represent those who sent them there to work FOR them. Their goal: a systematic debranding, defending and demoralizing of center-left issues and institutions. Their means: a media machine to stifle debate or poison the waters so no one would want to jump in. Conservatives condoned Rush Limbaugh's 2006 attacks on Michael J. Fox for campaigning about stem cell research. Conservatives condoned Rush Limbaugh's 2007 attacks on 12-year-old Graeme Frost, who gave the Response to the President's Radio Address on the subject of children's health care (S-CHIP), imitating the voice of a child with a brain stem injury. Conservatives condoned Rush Limbaugh's 2010 attacks on Marcelas Owens, the young boy who campaigned for health care reform in honor of his 27-year-old mom who passed away. Among other things, Limbaugh said, "Your mom would still have died." Conservatives condoned Rush Limbaugh's 2012 attacks on Sandra Fluke, a law student who testified about contraception coverage for young adults and was called a "slut," a "prostitute," and asked to post sex tapes -- but this time, companies didn't. Enormous public pressure on companies who condoned decades of personal attacks changes everything. Now, as free marketeer Rush Limbaugh is finding out, the entertainment value of denigrating people isn't what it used to be. Sandra Fluke was the last straw. Why Sandra Fluke and not Michael J. Fox or Graeme Frost or Marcelas Owens? I believe people have a LIMIT. It seems to have been reached. Rush was quick to suck-back the vitriol he spewed Ms. Flukes way...not because he was truly sorry (or he wouldn't have slimed her so thoroughly to begin with), rather ClearChannel is getting worried over THIRTY sponsors have left Limbaugh. It's not about people, or what';s right...or doing the "good" thing, it's about MONEY to Limbaugh's sort...and POWER. Let's stop Rush once and for all. He will again and again revert to his innately sarcastic, bullying of what seems in his way, or what the Right needs beat-on. People don't change in that fashion. Take Limbaugh OUT, other mean-spirited, lying media entities will get that message, fast. Concerned consumers don't want to buy products from someone who pollutes the airwaves with vile commentary about the personal lives of public policy advocates. Netizens have turned the tide, creating thousands of tweets, Facebook shares, petitions, and blogs which hit like a tsunami of public opposition to Rush Limbaugh and the conservatives and companies who condone his attacks. Gone are the days when Rush Limbaugh can attack Michael J. Fox, Graeme Frost, Marcelas Owens and Sandra Fluke with impunity. The next Michael J. Fox, Graeme Frost, Marcelas Owens or Sandra Fluke is out there -- and we welcome his or her participation in the public process. Yes, you'll need a thick skin, but you can also make a tremendous difference. For the sake of public discourse, for the demands of the free market, and for the value we place in citizen advocacy, Limbaugh must go.