Sean Poyser 0

Runes of Magic deterioration

6 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Sean Poyser 0 Comments
6 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This petition shall serve as a visual record for Runewaker & Frogster that players are becoming dissatisfied with the game in general. The list below does not represent ALL of the reasons people are upset but only the top issues that are causing  people to leave.

Runewaker, It's time to make a change. Listen to your customers or loose them!

Are you upset with one or more of the following:

1)  General code stability
2)  Diamonds on AH not re-instated as promised, after being discontinued once before
3)  Powerless GM's watch spammers on bridge to Varanas and cannot/will not ban them
4)  Bug that prevents players from using AFK features by kicking to login after a few minutes
5)  Bug that's been kicking players (including Guild Masters) from guild en masse
6)  Lack of GFX appearance compared to system requirements and power used
7)  Broken Housemaids never refunded or not refunded for broken CS/Vendor items
8)  Events that don't work (such as giveaways meant as apologies for code instability)
9)  Ability for enemy to target and hit through solid objects
10) General lack of play-balance testing
11) ...

If you have your own unique problem that is/has/will cause you to stop investing money in the game, post it in your comment!

Only by a show of numbers and speaking with your wallet will things get done!

Runewaker, You claim this is a "community influenced/developed game", so start listening.

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