Rumpelstiltskin (Robert Carlyle) for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Over his long, prestigious career, actor Robert Carlyle has given many intimate and profound renderings of a kaleidoscope of parts, particularly masterful performances as villains and even evil itself. He is an extremely gifted actor who has been criminally over-looked. I invite you to sign this petition to bring awareness to the lack of appreciation that the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences has shown to Mr. Carlyle's marvelous,emotionally endearing, profound, and down-right artful portrayal of Rumpelstiltskin in ABC's fantasy-drama "Once Upon a Time." Awareness never hurts, and perhaps this petition could reach someone in the television industry who has a vote. At the very least, maybe this petition could show Mr. Carlyle that while he may not have been shown official recognition of his valuable work, that the general viewers and his fans are thoroughly captivated by his turn as Rumpelstiltskin.