RR2222 Safety Improvements
May 4, 2015
Senator Kirk Watson
Texas State Senate District 14
PO Box 12068, Capitol Station
Austin, TX 78711
Dear Mr. Watson:
This letter is in behalf of Jessica Nicole Getz-Brooks who was fatally injured in a motorcycle collision on Monday, March 30, 2015, by a car attempting to make a left turn on RR 2222 in Austin, TX, near Vaught Ranch Road.
The tragedy of her death is beyond description. There are not enough words to express our loss of such a wonderful, loving, giving, talented young woman. Twenty-four (24) years old. Her 25th birthday would have been coming up on May 29th. Jessica was a jewel, a treasure to everyone that knew her.
Jessica and her husband Bart had only been married for two (2) weeks.
The family suffers from her loss more than can be expressed in words. Her Mother, her husband, her sister and many other family members and friends are in disbelief that such a catastrophic incident would even enter their lives.
My plea is to get some legislation going that will bring some control to this very, very dangerous highway RR 2222. I spoke a few days ago with a woman who was born and raised in Austin. She said, 'Highway 2222 is the most dangerous road in all of Austin.'
Just a few days later after Jessica died another twenty year old man died on that same highway – a car attempting to make a left-hand turn.
If the road is that dangerous why in the world wouldn't there be GREEN LEFT-TURN SIGNALS in various places where cars need / want to make left-hand turns. Mr. Watson, right now there is no control on that road. What is needed are:
Sir, that road is a deathtrap. There are too many motorcycle fatalities on that road AND the devastation to the families of those who have died on that road – well, there is no way to express the heavy impact it has had on all of the families of those fatally injured. No way to express the grief and the loss . . . .