Royal Enfield RSA Service Failure

Royal Enfield owners have had multiple and consistent problems gaining access to their touted Roadside Assistance service. This service is a built-in cost, three-year addition to the purchase of a Royal Enfield motorcycle, but continues to be unreliable. The service cannot or does not find RE VIN numbers in their system, and refuses to pick up motorcycles without out-of-pocket payment. Customers, especially in North America, have had terrible experiences with this "free" service, and RE has done nothing public yet to rectify the obvious problems they have with SafeRide, the company that is to provide the service.
Signing this petition may help Royal Enfield understand that the service they have built into the price of a new motorcycle needs to be addressed and fixed, so that their customers feel not only safe on the road, but that the Royal Enfield brand is trustworthy for continued growth.