TheRox Love
This pedition was created to show people how much we Rox fans really care about Rox. How much we love this couple and support then 100%. Us Rox fans must show thw world how much we care about this stunning couple. Before when Ethan and Theresa, with the old Ethan, I thought they were wonderful. They were magical and so alive and open with each other. Then the other Ethan came. It brought me to a line that this show sucked. Then one day on December I decited to see what was going on on Passions. Then I saw this hansome guy come on and flirt around with Theresa then it brought me to think. \"What a perfect couple!\" When Fox almost kissed Theresa I was saying kiss kiss kiss! And ever since I have been madly in love with these two. And I was thinking, \"Why not make a pedition for these two Why not show EVERYONE what we Rox fans think about them\" So all of you Rox fans let\'s show the people what we think!