The Roundabout on Abergele Road, Old Colwyn needs traffic lights!
fiona beavan 0

The Roundabout on Abergele Road, Old Colwyn needs traffic lights!

80 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
fiona beavan 0 Comments
80 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

My name is Caleb Beavan and I am 9 years old. Every day my mum drives me and my two sisters to school and we have to go around this roundabout. There is a lot of traffic and everyone just has to try to get around. We have seen quite a few cars bump each other or nearly miss bad accidents and this worries me.

I wrote to the Council and my MP The Rt Hon David Jones. David replied and said that if I made a petition and collected signatures he would send this to the council and support my request for traffic lights to be put up so that all the cars, and also children walking to Secondary and Primary schools would feel safer.

Please will you sign my online petition and support this.


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